Yodal in a Box

Yodal in a Box helps you build your business faster and with less time and resources by getting your client to self-prioritise their estate planning needs

Yodal in a Box (YIAB) is a new client engagement tool that provides your clients the ability to self-prioritise their estate planning needs, and removes the need for you to ‘sell’ the service.

YIAB was developed in response to adviser’s requests for resources that would simplify the first step in getting their clients to own the estate planning process.

YIAB is an automated client engagement tool aimed at using high quality, emotive based (non-sales) videos and strategic communication to get clients to recognise the value of estate planning, and in the first instance, complete the Yodal needs assessment.

As an advisor, you are notified through your Yodal solution when a client engages in this process so you are not using valuable resources or time until a client has self prioritised their estate planning.

YIAB is an online toolbox and can be used for a single client, or campaigns up to 100 clients at a time. For campaigns larger than 100 clients, Yodal Support can assist to setup and manage campaigns of more than 100 clients.

When your clients receive the first communication, they are prompted to complete the Needs Assessment in Yodal. Further supporting resources and reminder emails are incorporated into the campaign to allow a follow up to be sent to clients who do not fill in the assessment.

The resources available in YIAB include videos, cases studies, latest information and statistics that help reinforce the importance of completing their estate plan, and how to have the conversation with your loved ones regarding your estate plan. These resources are refreshed regularly so that you always have access to relevant information.

Experience has shown that by providing clients strategic information, that is not seen as a hard sell, they feel they have greater control over their decisions and therefore are more likely to initiate the next step in the process. This results in higher conversion rates for you which in turn means higher adviser revenue.

This is one just example of the YIAB resources that are available for use in YIAB https://bit.ly/3mu6lE8

We would love to share more about YIAB with you, and to demonstrate how it can help you better manage every step of the estate planning process. Click here to book your demonstration or request a call from one of our team members.

Because everyone needs a plan.