My Estate Planning speciality comes together with Yodal

George Hlawaty DipFP, Estate Planning Specialist, Vista Financial Group

My story is not unlike many advisers who, after 30 years in the business, have decided to stop giving advice. However, in my case I have done so with a view to staying engaged within the industry doing something that I have always enjoyed.

Estate planning is part of the building blocks of financial planning and has always been a part of my approach. Starting with protecting the future with insurance, building wealth, and at the end of the day protecting that wealth.

No one really wants to do an estate plan, but we all know we must eventually do one. For me, it’s just a matter of making the process as easy as possible which is where me, and Yodal come in.

When I made the decision to sell my practice internally with a view to remain engaged, I saw an opportunity with continuing to help facilitate estate planning. It all came together when I discovered Yodal.

Previous arrangements I had for estate planning were not fully digitised and didn’t quite meet what I needed in my new role. When I chanced upon Yodal it was the perfect solution – it is interactive, remote, and digital and exactly what I was looking for in an estate planning support tool. Yodal bridged the final gap that I was needing and really attracted me. It’s good for me, and perfect for my clients.

It’s early days however in the first two weeks of using Yodal I have completed four separate ‘matters’ which I have been really happy with.

This is an exciting stage in my life working on what is now my new speciality as an Estate Planning Specialist. I am glad I found Yodal as a way to provide an easy to use, seamless way for my clients to protect their wealth with complete confidence.