Tune in as Sacha shares some ‘juicy bits’ about how she engaged with her dealer group.
You and members of your team are invited to hear from Sacha Burchgart, Award Winning Financial Planner and Founder of Burcheart who shares how Estate Planning has added value to her business, dealer group and clients.
What’s in the Bag?
- The added value of including Estate Planning to your tool kit
- How to engage your Dealer Group through Estate Planning
- How did Sacha’s business benefit from Estate Planning through Yodal?
- Strengthen your Adviser retention and attraction
Mark your calendar for Wednesday 19 July at 12.30pm as Brandon Thompson, CEO of Yodal speaks with Sacha Burchgart about her experience with Estate Planning and how it has benefitted her team, her clients and dealer group.
Reserve your spot today to learn more about how Estate Planning can add value to your business as well as benefit your clients.
You are encouraged to share this invitation with other members of your team.