For Partners
Software Vendor
Yodal Integration
Web Integration, ‘Yodal in a Box’'

Integration wins over reinvention
Our partner is an international software vendor with a significant, active user base in the current Australian Market.
When researching and validating their product development, the user-driven discussion centred around including estate planning functionality as a core feature set within their solution.
The vendor assessed the feasibility of undertaking considerable development within their solution against working with an existing provider in the estate planning space.
The result was a partnership with Yodal.
The integration was not as simple as an API connection. It sought to make core Yodal elements visible to users and accessible from within the vendor’s solution. Single sign-on and opt-in permission sharing result in a seamless user experience when transitioning between the 2 solutions.
In true partnership style, we shared the cost of development, and the integration was an accomplishment that cost less than proprietary development alone and was delivered faster than anyone anticipated.
The vendor now adds compelling value to their existing user base and has achieved a significant competitor advantage by having a resident feature set that does not exist in competitor products.
For Yodal, we retain a small percentage of the transactional revenue on every estate planning matter completed through the integrated Yodal solution.
Interested in discussing how Yodal might work for your organisation? Let’s discuss your needs…